Map updated on March 21, 2024.You can drag the map and view the map in full screen. On the map opposite are visible:the Tour de Vézelay (dark blue line),access routes (green lines) and stations (green markers),facilities along the routes (blue circles),information about culture & history (moss green circles)More information about a route, facility or place becomes visible when you click on the relevant line or marker. Information on the go:guide (1st edition, 2021), see below, also for updates.files to download on your smartphone:> itinerary Tour de Vézelay:- KML file (, Google Earth) (June 10, 2020)- GPX file (overige apps) (June 10, 2020)> directions (PDF):- Tour de Vézelay West (Vézelay - Le Chemin) (2021)- Tour de Vézelay East (Le Chemin - Saint-Père) (2021)- Tour de Vézelay North (Saint-Père - Vézelay) (2021) Tips:if you can't download a file, try again with another browserthe new app Organic Maps has the same structure as and functions betterthis is a manual (PDF) to install KML/GPX-files on your smartphone. Guide and pilgrim’s passport The guide (1st edition) to the Tour de Vézelay has 44 pages, is in color, with maps, in a handy sleeve and costs € 10,= (not including shipping). You can buy the guide in our hostel or order it by e-mail. The information about accommodation, shops, etc. is not included, but can be downloaded from: facilities. The guide contains additional information about: pilgrimage routes to and from Vézelay, and the regional heritage. The pilgrim’s passport to the Tour de Vézelay costs € 2,50 (not including shipping). Please order and use the pass only if you want to make the Tour as a pilgrim. Tour de Vézelay guide.Click the bottom right to open the guide in full screen. Image Guide & pilgrim’s passport Updates guideUpdate 1st edition (2021):not yet.